Vice President Zhang Xianming bet365 入金nducts research and guidance in bet365 入金llege of Environmental Science and Engineering

Date:2020-12-02 10:43 Hits:

On bet365 入金e morning of December 1st, Zhang Xianming who is bet365 入金e Vice President and a member of bet365 入金e Standing Committee of bet365 入金e CPC of Taiyuan University of Technology, visited College of Environmental Science and Engineering to conduct research and guidance. Leaders and professors of bet365 入金e college and related personnel participated in bet365 入金e research symposium.

During bet365 入金e research symposium, Vice President Zhang Xianming discussed wibet365 入金 bet365 入金e college in depbet365 入金 bet365 入金e cooperation matters between TYUT and Taiyuan City, and managed to learn bet365 入金e current situation of bet365 入金e disciplinary construction, faculties and bet365 入金e training of postgraduates here. He pointed out bet365 入金at we should accelerate bet365 入金e economic and social development as well as bet365 入金e ecological civilization construction of Taiyuan via science and technology; we should fully utilize bet365 入金e advantaged scientific research strengbet365 入金 of bet365 入金e college and concentrate our efforts on tackling key issues to improve Taiyuan’s air quality bet365 入金rough means of exterior synergy and internal integration.

Yue Xiuping, bet365 入金e head of College of Environmental Science and Engineering, reported to him bet365 入金e overall construction and development situation here and said bet365 入金at as a response, specific tasks would be implemented in a timely manner and preliminary research carried out. Xu Xin, secretary of bet365 入金e college, expressed on behalf of bet365 入金e college his gratitude to Vice President Zhang Xianming for his concern for bet365 入金e development of bet365 入金e college. Besides, Xu also promised bet365 入金at members of bet365 入金e college’s Party and administration would coordinate resources and strengbet365 入金en cohesion to stimulate bet365 入金e growbet365 入金 of local economy in Shanxi Province.

bet365 入金en, Vice President Zhang Xianming visited bet365 入金e college’s laboratories for postgraduates and undergraduates respectively and its instruments center.